Business Accomplishments for a Better Community

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Preschool Project Aimed for Wider Education Target

As a man with huge concern of education, no wonder if the newest project of Sukanto Tanoto was the building of new preschool in North Jakarta, PAUD Kenanga 17. The school was built to provide the best early education for local children, since education is considered important for the social skill and knowledge building of children. Sukanto Tanoto is someone that has good appreciation for education, and his pilot preschool project is one of his efforts to increase education quality among Indonesian children.

However, his pilot project was more than just giving early education for preschool kids. He has bigger goal behind the whole project: to increase the standard of living of people around the area, starting from the students’ parents.

 How Increased Economy Can Help the School

Sukanto Tanoto believes that children learn from imitating their parents. When their parents do something good or bad, it is just a matter of time before children start to mimicking them. Therefore, parents must have positive mentality and attitude so their children can have better achievements in their own life and education. In the future, Tanoto Foundation will provide extra means for parents to get additional income and increase their standard of living, including providing more job opportunities.

From the amazing arrays of educational tools to professionally trained teachers, this preschool education program is expected to change the views of parents, especially those who think that preschool is not important. Also, after increasing the standard of life of the children’s parents, Sukanto hopes that the children’s parents will also have active role in supporting many activities of the school. 

Why Early Education is Important

Imelda Tanoto, Sukanto Tanoto’s  daughter who runs the foundation, explained on the launching day that early education project from her father is in accordance with Tanoto Foundation’s philosophy: Empowerment of the community, Education, and Enhancement of lifestyle quality. Also, she explained that children who get early education will have better chance to develop business and be success, and be trained better in motor and sensory skills.

Also, she explained that Indonesian government wants 72% of children in Indonesia gets early education program, to increase the possibility of being successful in life and education. The early education will help students to cope and adapt with learning environment, and increases their opportunity to be more successful later in life. This preschool project by Sukanto Tanoto was expected to expand more.


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